
  • Hold Fast to Hope (Hebrews 6:1-20)
    God has given us a sure hope: we need to hold on to it.

  • Enter Confidently and Encourage (Hebrews 10:19-39)
    When you really understand the hope Jesus has given you, there is nowhere you’d rather be than close to Him.

  • Have Faith (Hebrews 11:1-12:2)
    The whole Bible stands as a witness to the power of faith. So no matter how tough things get, keep looking to Jesus.


  • Teaching and Training
    The Bible is good for both teaching and training: we will grow when we use it for both.

  • Practice
    You can learn a lot about a sport by watching it, but it takes more than that to actually play it well. Christianity, likewise, is much more than a spectator sport.

  • Discipline
    Many times, what we most need to do is something we just don’t want to do. Do it anyway: especially if you are a Christian.

  • Progress
    It takes more than talent to become an elite athlete, and the same is true for Christians: we are challenged to demonstrate progress.

  • Self-Control
    For any athlete or just individual trying to be healthy, what you put into your body matters. The same is true in every sense for the Christian, as the ancient practice of fasting helps reveal to us.

  • Diet and Exercise
    Much like diet and exercise dramatically impact our physical health, there are great spiritual rewards when we make fasting the way God teaches it a major part of our lives.

  • Workout Buddy
    Do you have a workout buddy? You will grow stronger, go farther, and experience so much more joy when you aren’t trying to walk alone.

  • Working In
    In order to get stronger, you have to learn to work with others. They may even see you sweat.

  • Spotter
    As a Christian, you will need help. Who’s spotting you? You need someone if you want to get stronger.

  • Watch Your Form
    Don’t get lax with your form: we need to regularly study God’s word and rigorously do what He says to grow stronger.

  • Rest Day
    In order to get stronger, we need to take time to rest with God.

  • Gains
    There is great gain in training for godliness, and it shows.


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