Whether you are new to church, new to the area, or visiting from out of town, we are excited to welcome, love, and encourage you and your family. Here’s what you can expect when you visit with us.


Worshiping with Us

Sundays are special. Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday. The first time people heard the good news about Jesus, repented of their sins, and were baptized was on Sunday. Sunday was the day the first Christians came together to remember Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins and to praise Him in worship.

If you meet with us at our church building on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. for worship, you will get to celebrate Jesus simply, from the heart, just like Jesus and His apostles taught! Add your voice to beautiful acappella singing that praises God and lifts our hearts. Share in heartfelt prayer, experiencing joy as we thank God for all that He has done and peace as we ask for His help with what worries us. Hear God’s word read and a practical lesson taught to help you live the new, abundant life Jesus offers. Learn to trust God by giving cheerfully from what He has provided to you.

Best of all, Jesus is so important to us that we share the Lord’s Supper every single Sunday. The greatest act of love ever known was Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins. We eat unleavened bread and drink the cup every week to proclaim His death until He comes again.

Studying With Us

God inspired what is written in the Bible, so we know it is able to correct us when we are wrong and teach us to do what is right. Because God uses it to prepare and equip His people for every good work, we study it together frequently to help us be workers that He approves.

When you come to worship with us on Sundays at our building, you will find Bible classes for all ages starting at 11:15 a.m. Your kids will come out of class with their new friends having learned important lessons from the Bible. Our adult classes will help you not only understand what the Bible says but also how to put it into practice as you live life each day.

We also provide opportunities to help you personally grow in God’s Word and share it with those around you all throughout the week. Join one of the small groups meeting for a Discovery Bible Study throughout the week in homes, workplaces, the church building, or online. These, along with our Daily Devotional videos, will help you grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord.


discipling With Us

As Christians, we strive to become more like Christ. The word for this is ‘Discipleship.’ Come join us at the church building each Sunday evening at 6 p.m. as we strive to be better disciples.

Each first Sunday of the month, we meet together to pray for our church family, for our friends, and for our community.

The second Sunday of the month, we break out into teams to visit those we prayed for the previous week.

The third Sunday of each month, we gather for a bible study on a subject chosen and taught by one of the men in our congregation.

The fourth Sunday of each month we gather together to fellowship and sing praises to our almighty God.

Lastly, if we have a fifth Sunday, our young people lead us in a worship service.

Growing with Us

We have all made mistakes. Because of Jesus, these mistakes do not have to define us! Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose on the third day: when we die to ourselves and are buried in baptism, we rise to live new lives. Even better, we live those new lives as members of God’s family.

As a member of our Georgetown family, you will be loved and encouraged to become more like Jesus every day. Through our worship and Bible studies. Through our fellowship and service activities. Through living life together every day.

Jesus offers us an abundant life, full of God’s awesome love, joy, and peace. Plan your visit and come grow with us!

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visit with us sOON