What is Love?

What is Love?

Love is so crucial to the human experience that it saturates the books we read, the movies we watch, and the music we hear. Yet to truly know what love is, we have to understand its origin in the God who created us and the way He shows us His love in Jesus Christ.

What is a Disciple?

What is a Disciple?

Making disciples is an essential element of Christ’s mission. Yet, how much do we really understand what discipleship is? Much more than a church program or passing spiritual fad, discipleship is all about learning from and being completely devoted followers of Jesus.

What is the Kingdom of Heaven?

What is the Kingdom of Heaven?

“Kingdom” was at the heart of Jesus’ ministry and mission; but what exactly is it? Sometimes we use religious-sounding words without ever stopping to consider what they mean. The “kingdom” was hugely important to Jesus, so it must be to us as His followers, too: not only as a future hope or present membership, but as a daily reality of God’s rule in our lives.