The details surrounding when Jesus comes again stir a lot of interest, confusion, and even fear. Yet, He means for it to stir something different among His followers: hope!
The Coming of the Lord
A lot has been said about the "end times" - and much of it is confusing or, worse yet, deceptive. Find in Scripture the truth about the coming of the Lord.
Test the Spirits
How can we separate fact from fiction when it comes to the coming of the Lord? We must test the spirits by what the apostles of Jesus taught.The Coming Judgment
You can't really talk about faith in Jesus without mentioning the coming judgment.When Christ Appears
As seen all throughout the New Testament, the coming of the Lord wasn't a topic for occasional study but a crucial element of the Christian life.Why It Matters
When Jesus' apostles taught about His coming, it wasn't just to impart facts but to change lives.Prophecy 101
More than just “predicting the future”, Biblical prophecy gives God’s perspective on the world.The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Many Christians find the book of Revelation to be scary - but we shouldn’t. When we understand what Christ is doing through it, we are blessed by it.Learning to Speak Apocalypse
Revelation doesn’t really tell us anything all that different from the rest of the New Testament: it just paints us a picture.Give Us a Sign!
Jesus prophesied, and it left His disciples with some questions on the Mount of Olives.When Will These Things Be?
As Jesus spoke privately with His disciples on the Mount of Olives, He gave them a glimpse of what to expect in the years ahead.O Jerusalem
Much of Jesus' prophecy on the Mount of Olives centered on a pivotal event for the nation of Israel: the destruction of Jerusalem. If we'll allow it, the amazing accuracy of His and other biblical prophecies can build our faith.“My Words Will Not Pass Away”
There are some things Jesus foretold that we might not completely understand, but they will happen.Unexpected
No one knows when Jesus will come again, so His followers should live ready for Him to come at any time.Hear What the Spirit Says to the Churches
As Jesus suddenly revealed Himself to John to send messages to the churches, it is clear that what He had prophesied decades earlier had come to pass.Open Your Eyes
Revelation is meant to open the eyes of the churches then - and now - to how Jesus sees things.A Door into Heaven!
At a time of great tribulation on earth, John was invited to step through a door into heaven. There he received an important reminder: Christ reigns.Seven Seals and Four Horsemen
A challenging time for the whole world is revealed as the seven seals are opened. Yet as Christians we must never forget: the Lamb holds the scroll.The 144,000
Numbers are also pictures in Revelation, as we see when the 144,000 of Israel are sealed.A Warning to Repent
There’s a reason people find Revelation scary. If you aren’t a Christian, it depicts a stern warning to repent.The Witness of the Prophets
To appreciate Revelation’s prophecy, it helps to be familiar with Scripture’s other prophets.Man of Lawlessness
In one of his earlier letters, the Apostle Paul foretold that before Jesus comes again a “man of lawlessness” will be revealed. but who is he, and what are we supposed to do about it?False Prophets Coming
The apostles warned false prophets were coming. They’re here…and have been for a long time.The Antichrist is Here
”The Antichrist” is often mentioned in discussions of the end times; but did you know Scripture says he’s here already?War in Heaven
Revelation gives us a different way to visualize the story of the Bible and our own struggles: we are caught in the middle of a cosmic battle between good and evil. Satan has already lost, but he isn’t going down quietly.Mark of the Beast
In Revelation, Satan enlists powerful allies in his war against God’s people. John recognized these dark forces at work in his day, and we can see them in ours, too.Worship and Warning
The outcome of the battle between good and evil is already known. That’s cause for worship if you stand with Jesus - and it’s a serious warning if you don’t.Death
Why do we die? The Bible gives an answer, but it is very different than what many people - even many Christians - think.Life After Death
What happens immediately after we draw our last breath? The Bible gives us a few glimpses.Life After Life After Death
Death isn’t the end, and life after death is like being asleep. The best is still to come.The Resurrection of Jesus
When Jesus rose from the dead, it not only proved who He is but it gives us a glimpse of who we will be.Resurrection Matters
The gospel of Jesus Christ as preached in Scripture is much different than the “gospel of going to heaven when you die” often heard today. The difference? The hope of resurrection.Destroying Death
When Christ comes, He will bring death itself to an end.We Shall All Be Changed
When Jesus comes again, whether we are living or dead, we shall be changed to be like Him.Steadfast. Immovable. Abounding.
The reality of the resurrection gives meaning to our lives now - especially when they are hard.Coming on the Clouds
Jesus is coming, and the whole world will know. If you belong to Him, take comfort and keep going.When the Lord Jesus is Revealed
When Jesus comes, He will not only raise the dead but also right the wrongs.Expect the Unexpected
No one knows the day or the hour when Jesus is coming. If we want to be ready to joyfully meet Him, we must be prepared.Good and Faithful Servant
God has entrusted each of us with opportunities: what will we have done with them when Jesus comes?“You Did It to Me”
There will come a day when we all face King Jesus. Whether we enter eternal life or eternal punishment then depends on our relationship with Him now.What are You Waiting for?
Jesus is coming. Everything will change. What are you waiting for?Death and Judgment
In the last book of the Bible, we are given a stunning picture of death’s defeat and the world’s final judgment.Heaven
Heaven is mentioned nearly 700 times in the Bible, though it might mean something different than you think.Gazing into Heaven
Forty days after His resurrection, Jesus’ apostles witnessed Him ascend into heaven. Would you like to know what He’s up to there?Waiting in Heaven for You
God says He has an inheritance waiting in heaven for you. Do you know what it is?Revealed
All of creation is eagerly waiting for what happens when Jesus comes.In My Father’s House
Jesus has prepared something so much better than a mansion for us: we have a place in God’s presence.New Heavens and a New Earth
The prophets foresaw a day when God made new heavens and a new earth. More than just a pretty picture, this is a reality we begin to experience now in Christ - and we look forward to its completion when He comes.The Dwelling Place of God
Living with God changes everything, as Revelation so beautifully depicts.“Behold, I am Coming Soon”
While many passages in Revelation are exceptionally challenging, it brings us in the end to the heavenly city where the joy awaiting us is crystal clear.The End
This is it: the end. All that remains is to worship God and cry, “Come, Lord Jesus!”
Discover More!
CONNECT Daily Devotionals. Grow closer to God with our CONNECT 5 Minute Devotionals, originally posted from March - December 2020.
CANCELLED: A Biblical Perspective on “Cancel Culture”. As Christians, we shouldn’t just be part of our culture…we should transform it. Through this special 5-day series of devotionals from April 2021, we will take on one of the challenging issues of our time from a biblical perspective.
DiSCOVER Daily Devotionals. Explore how to study the Bible to discover who God is, who people are, and how to have our lives transformed as we obey and share it! Originally posted from November 2020 - September 2021.
DiSCOVER the Sermon on the Mount. Explore life-changing passages from the most important sermon of all-time in these devotionals from October through November 2021.
Forgiveness. Forgiveness isn't easy...but it is powerful. Experience its healing a little bit more every day through these brief daily devotionals.
New Life Series. Jesus came that we “may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). As we come to learn from Him, we will begin living a whole new life!
New Life Series: GROW. God wants us to grow! In this series, we learn how to grow more like Jesus together.
When the Son of Man Comes. The details surrounding when Jesus comes again stir a lot of interest, confusion, and even fear. Yet, He means for it to stir something different among His followers: hope!
Words of Life. A daily devotional series on how we got the Bible, why we can rely on it, and how to study it better.
Worship, with Reverence and Awe. Get more out of worship by learning to bring more to God, truly worshipping Him with reverence and awe.