In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus tells a story to help us understand how God’s kingdom works. A man going on a journey gives some of his property to his servants according to their abilities to productively use. He gave his first servant five talents, his second servant two talents, and his third servant one talent. A “talent” was equivalent to twenty years’ wages for a laborer. Based on minimum wage for a full-time worker today, he gave the first servant $1,508,000 (five talents), the second servant $603,200 (two talents), and the third servant $301,600 (one talent).
As soon as the master left, the first two servants got to work and doubled their talents. When after a long time he returned, they presented him with $3,016,000 (ten talents) and $1,206,400 (four talents) respectively. Praising them with, “Well done, good and faithful servant”, the master welcomed them to share in his joy.
Not so for the third servant. He had buried what the master gave him – and then blamed it on the master. “Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you scattered no seed, so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.” Do you notice how the servant contradicts himself, though? The master supposedly reaps where he didn’t sow, yet the servant says, “have what is yours”? He knew the master expected a lot, so he did nothing? The master wasn’t impressed either, casting the worthless servant into outer darkness.
This story tells us a lot about living in God’s kingdom. Our master has given to us each according to his ability. He knows us. What He has given is what He knows we’re able to use – and He entrusts us with a lot! Even the one talent man received significantly more to use from the master than he would have earned on his own.
Our master doesn’t judge our value in comparison to others. We are faithful in His eyes based on how we used what He gave us.
What has God given us to use, in terms of our time, talents, and material blessings? If we really think about it, it is a lot! How are we using what He has given us? May we all be “good and faithful” servants that we might enter into His joy!