As we continue becoming more like Jesus, we will SEE THE POTENTIAL in each other and in the little things we do each day in 2020 to:
Bring people in our lives and around the world to see Jesus.
Identify former members who still live locally, reach out to them throughout the year, and purposefully invite them to Harvest Festival 2020
Organize outreach at key community events throughout the year
Organize regular service projects (including hosting another Open Market) and purposefully involve our youth and young adults
Rejoice that Jesus made us a part of His church in Georgetown.
Organize and host an area-wide singing event with sister congregations
Investigate possibilities with the school district for future development of our property
Work together to develop each other’s gifts through involvement and mentorship.
Establish 1:1 mentoring between the elders and deacons and quarterly dinners for the whole group
Identify and appoint one or more passionate and qualified deacons to advance our church family’s work
Identify and work with a group of volunteers to host and lead youth devotionals throughout the year