We Have Seen His Glory

Peter, John, and James – the Rock and the Sons of Thunder – woke up to a startling sight while on a mountain praying with Jesus in Luke 9:28-36.  (Yes, Jesus’ closest followers fell asleep on Him.)  Jesus was transfigured: the appearance of His face had altered, His clothing had become dazzling white, and He was speaking with Moses and Elijah. This was a huge deal for many reasons. 

These disciples saw on Jesus the glory of the LORD, something that Moses had only glimpsed as God passed by (Exodus 33:17-23).  They saw Him speaking with Moses and Elijah, both monumental figures in the history of Judaism.  Moses represented the Law which gave them their identity as God’s chosen people.  Elijah represented the Prophets, God’s spokesmen enforcing that law.  

They heard Jesus speaking about His impending exodus from the world, something with which both Moses and Elijah had some personal experience.  Moses died over 1200 years earlier after seeing the Promised Land and was buried by God Himself in a place unknown to anyone else (Deuteronomy 34:5-6).  Elijah departed some 800 years earlier in a chariot of fire, taken up by a whirlwind into heaven (II Kings 2:11).  Now Jesus was going to depart, too – but by dying on the cross for our sins. 

This is my Son, my Chosen One,” the voice of God said, “listen to Him!”  The disciples did listen, telling no one about what happened until Jesus rose from the dead.  After which, they told everyone!  As John wrote in John 1:14, “we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” Peter, too, in II Peter 1:16-17: “We were eyewitnesses of his majesty.  For when he received honor and glory from God the Father…we ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain.”

Can you imagine seeing such a sight?  One day, we will.  For all of us who put our faith in Christ – following Him in His death, burial, and resurrection by repenting of our sins, being buried in baptism, and living a new life – that is a source of incredible hope.

Visit our sermon podcast page for Ordinary People, Extraordinary God, a series of lessons on how Jesus can accomplish incredible transformation in our everyday lives.