Call and Response

As Christians, we tend to put a lot of emphasis on “calling”. We preach, pray for, and even sing to encourage lost souls to heed the Lord’s invitation to be saved. We admire fellow Christians who “answer the call” to serve in missions or different ministries, often marveling at their living faith and bold spirits. Hopefully we also seek Christ’s call in our own lives, wanting His will to be done in how we use our personal abilities and opportunities.

In a single verse in Mark’s gospel, we see the call that proceeded Jesus’ selection of the Twelve Apostles. With careful consideration of how He called them, we might just learn a thing or two about how He calls us – and how we can respond faithfully.

And he went up on the mountain and called to him those whom he desired, and they came to him” (Mark 3:13 ESV).

Appreciate that before any call came, Jesus was going somewhere. Maybe it seems obvious – as basic as our belief that Jesus rose from the dead and reigns. Yet I find that sometimes we fail to connect that theological truth with everyday reality. Because Jesus lives and reigns, there are places He wants to go and things He wants to accomplish today. As disciples of His, it’s our job to watch where He is headed and follow Him there.

Even when that means climbing a mountain. Because that’s where Jesus was – and following Him meant you’d have to climb it, too. Being with Jesus and being a part of what He is doing takes preparation and persistence on our part, and we will need to expend real energy and effort. Our focus must shift from what we desire to what He desires. What does Jesus desire from my time, from my talents, from my abilities, and from my life? Even if you have believed for a long time, that might not be a question you are used to asking – but it needs to be.

It demands a response. See, that’s the thing about “calls” – they need to be answered for a difference to be made. That was the first qualification for the Twelve Apostles. It wasn’t religious training or public speaking ability. It was a willingness to show up when and where Jesus called you to be.

So, how about us? Jesus is headed somewhere. He has desires for our lives. He is calling. How will you respond?

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